Thursday, July 6, 2017

Pope Francis blesses work of new Argentine radio station

(Vatican Radio)  Pope Francis has sent an audio message to a new Argentinian radio station, which began broadcasting to Buenos Aires on Sunday, 2 July.

“Cristo de los villeros” Radio was founded by Fr. José María (“Pepe”) Di Paola, a friend and collaborator of Pope Francis when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

To those who labored to establish the Radio, Pope Francis offered his gratitude and support.

“Thanks for all the work you do; thanks for putting yourselves in play for good things, for communicating yourselves, and for building bridges instead of putting up walls. Thanks for not destroying yourselves with gossip but rather offering an outstretched hand. May you continue in this way”.

He went on to say that “this is how one builds a society of brothers and sisters”.

The Pope concluded his transmission by offering his blessing.

“May the Lord bless you, and please pray for me. I will pray for you, and I will do it from the heart. Go forward with enthusiasm!”

(from Vatican Radio)


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